"Lots of Links" to other medical sites of interest
(return to Wesley's
Doctor Page for Physicians)
This page contains pointers to internet resources in the following
- Good patient information sites
- The reference shelf: special topics
- Medical Universities
- Government
- Medical Organizations
- Commercial and other Medical Sites
- Medical News and Journals
- Continuing Medical Education
- Patient information
- Quality in Medicine
- Computers in Medicine topics
- Cool Stuff: maybe medical, maybe not
- Links to Links: These sites maintain large lists of
medical internet sites
Browsing tip: This page is getting lengthy. Choose from
the above categories to see sites organized by type of organization OR,
use your browser to search for a topic by keyword such as "braille"
or "library." For example, Microsoft's Internet Explorer and
Netscape's Navigator have the Edit selection on the menu bar at
the top of the screen, under which the Find function is located.
- Medline Plus
- Women's Health at answers.com
- children's health
- Baby Center
- Statistics
- Tennessee Communicable Disease database
- Genetics Database
- NIH genetics site
- GeneCards
- Guidelines
- National Guidelines Clearinghouse
- Guidelines International Network
- Dermatology
- Derm Net
- Dermatologoy Information System
- DermNet of New Zealand
- Pathology Lab
- Lieberman's Radiology
- UAB Pathology Education Instructional Resource
- Asthma
- Asthma Information Center,
by the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) has clinical
guidelines and physician resources for treating asthma. Checked 7/97
- The Basics
of MRI
- by Joseph P. Hornak, Ph.D. is an excellent online textbook on
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Checked 7/99
- HIV and AIDS
- The
Whole Brain Atlas
- compilation of imaging of the brain in normal and disease states,
from Harvard Medical School.
- HIV insite, UCSF's excellent
resource for HIV and AIDS. checked 7/97
- CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse Web
Server checked 8/97
statistics is a Java application that draws graphs of AIDS
statistics. Checked 8/97
- Shoreland's Travel
Health Online
- Centers
For Disease Control
- Cancer News on the Net is
authored by Editor:Richard K. J. Brown, M.D., a radiation oncologist.
- Cancernet: The Internet
has been especially useful to me in obtaining authoritative information
on various cancers. Cancernet has the National Institutes of Health's
PDQ documents. Some are written to answer the patients' questions about
their situation, and others give the doctors data for staging, prognosis
and both standard and experimental treatment options. Another site,
oncolink has a large
repository of oncology information maintained by the University of
Pennsylvania. CancerFacts.Com
has an association with PDR, showing drug info, cancer trials, etc.
- Genetics
- Online Mendelian Inheritence in Man
- On-line Mendelian
Inheritance in Man is the US National Center for Biotechnical
Information's website for searching a large database of genetic diseases
and syndromes.
- The Genome Project allows
searching for segments of the human genome.
- Orthopedics
- Wheeless'
Textbook of Orthopaedics: full text! checked 4/98
- Pharmacy
- http://drugsafetysite.com/
- Mental Health
- National Alliance for the
Mentally Ill has a website with fact sheets and help for
psychological illnesses. checked 10/97
- The American Psychiatric
Association has a site with "Let's Talk Facts" brochures
on many illnesses in their Public Info section. checked 11/97
- Internet Mental Health
(www.mentalhealth.com) copyright © 1995-1997 by Phillip W. Long,
M.D. , a Canadian psychiatrist. checked 8/97
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is an
agency of the Public Health Service, with web access at
Also see
(thank you Ashley Hazelton). The Toxicology Treatment Program (TTP), a
regional toxicology treatment center located at the University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania hosts a
toxicology site
called the Medical, Clinical & Occupational Toxicology Resource Home
Page, but has mostly e-mail lists for toxocologists, etc, more than info
on particular substances. checked 4/96
- Harvard's
Brain Atlas Cases
- featuring Java applet that shows images from case files
- Medweb
- Emory University Medical library's site for biomedical internet
resources {good for extensive links - checked 8/97} This includes
meta-links to hundreds of electronic journals. Another place to link to
e-journals is Digital
Library of the University of California S.F. checked 8/97
- The University of
California at Irving
- held a collection of computer programs for medical uses, including my
DOS program for parasite differential diagnosis. They could be
downloaded by ftp, whether or not you use a Web Browser. At last check,
though, the UCI software server was not available, but had other links.
The software was also available from
Internet Network Information Center for Medicine and Health.
checked 8/97
- University of Alabama at Birmingham's Pediatrics information page.
Checked 5/96
- syllabus of otolaryngology
- at the Baylor College of Medicine ENT department. Checked 4/96
- Digital
- from University of Washington in Seattle
- University of Pennsylvania
- has a good cancer information site called
oncolink. Checked 11/96
- Center for
Biomedical Informatics
- from University of Campinas, Brazil
- National
Guideline Clearinghouse
- chkd 12/00
- healthfinder
- The government's (Dept HHS) gateway to searching the Internet for
health-related information, geared for the layperson. checked 7/97
- National Library of Medicine
- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- The home page, Hyperdoc, has access to Health Services /Technology
Assessment Text (HSTAT), including Clinical Guidelines of Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research, Consensus statements by NIH, and
Reports of the U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force.
- ***NEW SERVICE: NLM now offers Grateful
Med over the internet, and it's better than ever. Grateful Med
software for direct dial-up already allowed searching Medline and other
NLM databases with correct MeSH terms and qualifiers. Internet Grateful
Med offers, in addition, links to their metathesaurus with definitions
of search terms. You must set up a billing account. Defining the search
using web pages is a little more confusing and involved than the
standard Grateful Med form, and necessitates a little, but not much,
waiting from one page to the next.
- National Institutes of Health. An especially useful site is
Cancernet. checked 11/96
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, located in Atlanta,
Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Public Health Service, in the
Department of Health and Human Services. Among copious public health
information is found the contents of the "yellow book" of
travel health
information that health departments refer to and the "blue
sheet" of constantly updated vaccine requirements. Also includes
toxic substance info at
Many of CDC's large databases can be accessed and search through their
also holds CDC's prevention guidelines. checked 4/98
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- The federal Health Care Financing Administration, in charge of
Medicare, Medicaid and CLIA
- I searched this database 11/96 to find what OSHA requires regarding
tuberculosis testing among medical office workers.
- U.S. Code
- Has the whole United States federal law. Bills are at
Thomas, Code of Federal
Regulations at cfr, and
proposed bills at Superintendent
of Documents. Activity at the House of Representatives is at
House Page
- Census
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- fedworld
- You can telnet to the U.S. Government bulletin board service (bbs),
called Fedworld (by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
It includes, through the HEALTH option, links to the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) bbs as well as several other health-related agencies.
- Virginia Laws
Relating to Medicine
- by the Department of
Health Professions
- Virginia Medicaid
- DMAS, the Department of Medical Assistance Services, has their
provider manual and information on applying for Medicaid online. Checked
- Southern Medical Association
- has a web page with information about itself. SMA is a premier
provider of medical educational resources. checked 4/96
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Medical Association
- The American College of
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- American Diabetes
- MedWire
- information service of the Tennessee Medical Association checked 4/96
- The
Osler Page
- Cardiology link which includes pointer to American Heart Association
Press releases. checked 4/96
- Arthritis Foundation
- The Immnuization Action Coalition
- and the Hepatitis B Coalition has immunization materials for free
download or low cost mailing that help in keeping patients vaccinated.
checked 2/97
- Promed
- an e-mailing list by the PRogram for Monitoring Emerging Diseases,
sponsored by the Federation of American
Scientises. checked 8/97.
- The United Kingdom's starting point for biomedical research on the
Web. Checked 5/97
- American
Academy of Opthalmology
- Eyenet link, at http://www.eyenet.org, has resources for the blind,
including where to find braille.
- checked 4/96
- Evangemed
- A Healthcare ministry of the Methodist Church of Brazil in Rio de
- Interfaith
Health Practices
- The International Network for Interfaith Health Practhices is a part
of the Carter Center in Atlanta, directed by Dr. Foege, past director of
the CDC. It contains many pointers to other parts of the Internet for
preventive medicine and public health topics. Also see
Merck Manual
- is online. checked 9/97
- Physicians Online
- provides an alternative access to online medical information, with
its own proprietary software (that crashes a lot). checked 9/97
- MD Consult
- a "for pay" service that provides full text to some
journals, reference books, patient handouts, drug info and guidelines
for $35 per month. Checked 4/98
- Physician PRN
- A site for doctors, sponsored by Schering. It seems to be mostly
links to elsewhere, but allows you to order patient care resources from
them for free. checked 4/98
- MedEc Interactive
- A valuable site with resources similar to those of Physicians
On-Line, including PDR, FDA bulletins, e-mail, CME and forums. Checked
1/00. Must be a physician to register, but usage is free. Good for drug
Information Network
- Drug information, especially what is found on the Internet, is found
at the Home Page.
- Worldwide
Healthcare Forums
- is a bulletin board - type of site that allows discussions on various
healthcare topics. By the Reuter's group. Checked 7/97.
- Artcana Medical
- sample of clipart collection they sell for $100
- BloodLine
- a Hematology resource from Carden Jennings Publishing Co. Ltd. that
claims to be the best. checked 3/97
- HealthGate Data Corp
- A private company built to perform biomedical searches for a fee
(e.g. $14.95/mo) , though other services are available, too. {should be
good for searches - advanced searching software used - checked 4/96}
- US Healthcare
- organized by the US Healthcare HMO, and includes cartoons.
- an online resource from Glaxo Pharmaceuticals, for Healthcare
Education Learning & Information Exchange, including CME
- Healthlink
- Sponsored by Stanford University Medical Center, and includes a link
to their medical library. Geared toward public use. checked 11/96
- Medsafe
- An organization that sells advice regarding physicians' compliance
with OSHA, CLIA, and other regulations. Has links to OSHA and other
organizations for more information. Checked 1/97
- The WHO has a statement on current epidemic of
- checked 2/97
- Internet Guidefor the
Health Professional
- checked 4/96
- http://www.gh2000.com/
- site with up-to-date news. checked 7/99
- The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- from the CDC is available from this WWW site as well as from
ftp.cdc.gov, and an alternate site,
http://www.crawford.com/cdc/mmwr/mmwr.html. Note the documents are in
.pdf format, which requires the Adobe
Acrobat software to read. checked 4/96
- electronic BMJ
- The British Medical Journal, with full text articles and search
engines for other online journals! checked 4/98
- is like a journal club with many full-text articles. Abstracts are
free, text may cost money. checked 12/99
- Medscape
- By the publishers of The Medical Tribune, this is a fun site to
browse for news articles of current interest, "bug of the month"
quizzes and infectious disease information.
- Reuters Health News
- A good site for breaking health-related news, but requires $69
subscription. Checked 9/97
- Physician's Weekly
- A medical electronic news magazine. Checked 9/97
- WebMedLit
- The place to look for medical journals that have published
information on the Internet. Checked 9/97
and AMA Archives journals
- includes parts of the recent issues, sometimes abstracts, sometimes
full-text. Also has American Medical News newspaper.
Look for latest medical
news in the lay press at Your Health
- run by the New York Times Syndicate. checked 4/96. They
have a related site, The
Medical Tribune, checked 10/97.
- TheMedicalReporter
- This medical magazine has its articles online on the Web. checked
11/97. Editor Joel R. Cooper recommends a site called
Resources For
Primary Care Physicians
The interactive
patient at Marshall University School of Medicine is a truely
unique Interactive World Wide Web Program that allows the user to simulate
an actual patient encounter. Since it is graphics intensive, it requires a
fast connection or patience or both. (one case, offers cme for $15 if
desired. Checked 4/96)
The Virtual Hospital at
University of Iowa has CME opportunities.
The National Institutes of Health offers
CME on two
of their Consensus Development Conferences: Ovarian cancer and Calcium
*** Good teaching
collection of
Emergency X-ray cases by WWW. . This is plain old good quality
medical education. Clinical cases are presented with the x-rays, followed
by a discussion on x-ray findings/signs and approach to pediatric
emergencies. Dr. Yamamoto started this series a few years ago when the
files had to be compressed and downloaded by ftp. They have been adding
cases ever since. You can also mail two diskettes for each of five volumes
with a self-addressed return envelope to: Loren Yamamoto, M.D, MPH,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of
Medicine, 1319 Punahou St., #718, Honolulu, HI 96826. Checked 6/99.
Toxicity site offers CME created by University of Chicago Computing
and the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (PHS).
A general page of health information for patients
- This was suggested by students at Valley Charter School
- Health Answers
- Has disease-specific information for patients
- Monash Patient
Information Sheets
- from John Murtagh, at Nonash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Exellent collection of helpful handouts, some by himself, some from
medical organizations. Best of all, the site can be downloaded in a
single large file and browsed offline in your office. Checked 11/98
- Drug Information
- sponsored by Stayhealthy.com, has good medispan patient information
handouts on drugs. checked 7/99
- CaduCIS
- Quality management tools, and source of free online comparative
quality data on hospitals. Checked 3/00
- Community Health Information
- sponsored by Foundation for Health Care Quality, includes CHINS and
quality measurement stuff. Checked 9/1/96
- Clinical
Practice Guidelines
- An index to online guidelines resources
- COmputerized Needs-oriented QUality Measurement Evaluation SysTem,
supported by the government
health care information company that sells services, primarily regarding
hospitalizations, has a web page.
***NCQA, the National Committee for
Quality Assurance has a useful web site. This organization accredits
managed care organizations voluntarily. - 2/96
JCAHO (the Joint Commission) has domain JCAHO.ORG, but it is not
accessible to the public as far as I can tell - 2/96
A mailing list called health-pro promotes Foresighted Practice
Guidelines (FPGs) that fit the Standard Practice Guideline Format. These
FPGs are used at the point of care. To subscribe, simply send
email to listserv@netcom.com
with the simple message: subscribe health-pro
Caution: if you send the mail by choosing the email to
listserve@netcom.com option above, be sure the Web browser you use is set
to give the return address you want to recieve the list messages. If not
sure, use your usual e-mail client to send the request. The list server
detects your return address in order to make the subscription.
The Clinical Guidelines of the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research (AHCPR) are available from National
Library of Medicine.
- Standards and Interoperability
- Electronic
Medical Records Evaluationns
- Medical
Records Institute
- An organization in Newton, MA for "shaping the world of
electronic health records" They sponsor a conference on
Toward and Electronic Patient
- The Good Electronic Medical
- The Good Electronic Health Record (GEHR), a major part of the work of
the openEHR Foundation, is an evolving electronic health record
architecture designed to be comprehensive, portable and medico-legally
- The
Littlefish Project
- To create a user friendly patient information and recall system on an
open source basis with the focus on use by community based primary
health care health organisations in the developing world or remote and
rural areas or areas of need.
- Free Javascript
insertions for your website
- HL7
- Health Level 7 - standards for communicating medical information